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“I am so lucky to have a job I love, and to get to work with and learn from incredible colleagues and students. There is no better place to be creative and strive to make good change in the world than in the classroom—and then I get to watch students go on to do amazing things when they graduate. What a privilege it is to teach!”

Dr. Laura Hunt, Maya Mexico Winter

“My KIIS journey was to wonderful Mexico. My focus was photography throughout Maya Mexico. We ventured throughout Mexico City, Merida, and Cancun. Our focus was primarily to capture the culture, landscape, and interaction of people in social settings. I was blown away by how different Mexico was and it took me completely by surprise. I fell in love with all of the colors and people that made up the entirety of the locations we visited. I can honestly say that I have become a better photographer because of my journey with KIIS and I will remember this experience for the rest of my life. I would absolutely return to Mexico. Thank you KIIS for everything that you do and for providing me with a wonderfully life changing experience.”

– Jacob, Maya Mexico Winter

“As parents, we seek opportunities to support our daughter’s efforts to enrich her education and expand her academic opportunities. Participating in KIIS’ Maya Mexico program allowed Mallory to learn about Mexican history and culture while also being immersed in the Spanish language. We very much appreciate the support and care that Dr. Dizgun and his team with KIIS provided Mallory during her time abroad, giving her an enjoyable and educational experience, and us a sense of confidence and safety. We are excited for her and her next KIIS experience!”

– Chris, parent of Maya Mexico student

“I signed up for a trip to see ancient ruins. However, I was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t simply see, but experienced and gained an appreciation for an ancient civilization and their language, social norms, and beliefs.”

– Elizabeth, Maya Mexico Winter

“Seeing Mayan ruins was pretty incredible, but breaking through language barriers, experiencing an entirely different culture and learning about the unique backgrounds of the people that I met was life changing.”

– Leah, Maya Mexico Winter

“There’s not many words that I can say about my KIIS experience other than AMAZING. With my background I could never have had an opportunity like this. Thank you KIIS!”

– Jalen, Maya Mexico Winter

“The Maya Mexico experience was very beneficial in providing a new and incredible cultural experience along with assisting in how to overcome a language barrier.”

– Nathan, Maya Mexico Winter

“Maya Mexico was just an incredible experience! You simply don’t imagine how different life is there since it is so close to the states, but it drastically changed my worldview.”

– Mary, Maya Mexico Winter

“I loved my trip and the experience was more than anyone could have given me staying in the states. My favorite day was spent in a town where I learned about culture, food and even improved my Spanish speaking skills. This experience opened my eyes but also made me a better candidate for graduate programs!”

– Krystal, Maya Mexico Winter

You didn’t have to know Spanish to feel immersed in the culture, but the people we met and the places we went really made it an unforgettable experience!”

– Amelia, Maya Mexico Winter

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