Once Admitted
For details about your Eligibility, visit our Eligibility page. Also be sure to check our Transcripts & Grades page.
Course Credit
KIIS course credit is awarded by Western Kentucky University. We encourage you to contact your Academic Advisor, Department Head, and/or the Study Abroad Office prior to departure to determine the credit equivalencies at your home institution. Course offerings are subject to change according to enrollment.
All KIIS courses are for academic credit. Coursework must be completed by the end of your KIIS program. You may not take courses on your home campus, including online courses, during your KIIS program dates.
Winter Programs:
You are required to take one three-credit hour course.
Summer Programs:
You are required to take one three-credit course though you may take two three-credit courses (the program fee is the same) if you desire. Financial Aid typically requires six credit hours for Summer term.
Semester Programs:
You are required to take at least 12 credit hours.
Attendance Policy
You are expected to be punctual, attend all classes, meetings, required excursions, and remain with the program for the full academic period. Unexcused absences from classes and/or mandatory meetings/excursions will result in a lowering of your final grade, as will excessive tardiness. Multiple unexcused absences could result in expulsion from the program. Any absence from an academic session must be excused for medical reasons.
Disciplinary & Expulsion Policy
You are required to read and sign several documents, including your Program Contract, Agreement and Assumption of Risk, Medical History and Disability Accommodation and Program Handbook. These forms are available in your KIIS account. You also must attend the mandatory KIIS pre-departure orientation.
KIIS has established certain rules and guidelines for participation, both general and program-specific. You are expected to conform to acceptable standards of behavior. Any student who, in the judgment of the Program Director, does not behave accordingly will receive a disciplinary warning or be expelled from the program. Any costs so incurred (including in-country transportation, lodging, meals, and transportation for immediate return to the United States) will be borne by you.
KIIS reports all disciplinary incidents, including expulsion, to your home institution. Each home institution reserves the right to take further action against you. Expulsion from a KIIS program will result in the termination of status as a program participant and failing grades in all KIIS courses. KIIS will provide an official transcript of the failing grades to your home institution. No refund of any kind is issued if you are dismissed from a KIIS program. Once dismissed, you are not permitted to remain in KIIS program facilities (such as housing) nor participate in any KIIS program group activities.

“I had heard so many great stories about KIIS and started looking at the programs they had to offer. That is when I decided to go for it, and it was the best experience of my life. Spain has forever changed my life and opened up my eyes to the world. I became such an independent and confident person, and I am so grateful for the memories I made over the course of that month.”
-Vanessa, Spain I