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Program Search

KIIS is dedicated to providing exceptional- and affordable- international education programs for students from diverse backgrounds. KIIS operates approximately 30 Summer, Winter and Semester programs and offers over 175 courses each year.

To view all KIIS programs and courses, visit the Program Search.

Major, Minor and General Education Credit

We recommend consulting with your academic advisor and choosing a program that fulfills credit for your major, minor, or general education classes. This makes transferring your credits to your home institution easier and helps advance you in your academic career.

To view all KIIS course options and titles, click here:

Travel / Housing

You are encouraged to review your desired KIIS program itinerary and accommodations to familiarize yourself with the program details as each KIIS program is unique.

Some programs remain in one city for the duration of the program and provide weekends for independent travel while others travel throughout a country or region as a group. All KIIS programs include excursions to enhance your coursework and to help you learn more about the country’s culture.

On most programs, you will live in hotel-style housing. Some KIIS programs offer you an opportunity to live with a homestay family.

Physical & Health Considerations

KIIS strongly recommends all participants (students and faculty) be up-to-date on both their seasonal flu and Covid-19 vaccinations (i.e. the latest Covid-19 booster shot) before their travel abroad.

Refer to the Health & Wellness page for additional details.

Studying abroad likely is more physically strenuous than you are used to at home. KIIS study abroad programs typically involve approx. 5-10 miles of walking (approx. 10,000-20,000 steps) or the like in a day, including the possibility of walking, hiking and climbing stairs in heat and humidity, over elevations at higher altitudes, and over rocky terrain. In preparation for your KIIS study abroad program you would want to increase your fitness activity so you can walk 5-10 miles. If you have a documented disability accommodation need, feel free to contact KIIS Assistant Director, Maria Canning

Visit our Health & Wellness page for more information.

Other Considerations

KIIS offers the following program with Honors course credit option:

  • Maya Mexico Winter: Honors course credit is available for an interdisciplinary course on “Maya Mexico, Past & Present”.

KIIS may also offer an Honors Augmentation course option for Summer, Winter, or Spain Spring Semester programs.

If you enroll in Honors credit, you will have more challenging and unconventional assignments that will require greater analytical, creative, and critical thinking skills.

For information about receiving Honors credit, contact Haley McTaggart.

KIIS offers several programs with Graduate course credit options:

  • Argentina: This program is geared toward students interested in Business and Political Science.
  • Salzburg: This program is geared toward students interested in Music.
  • Tanzania: This program provides practicums for graduate or undergraduate students in health professions such as Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Social Work and Health Administration.
  • Zanzibar Winter: This program is designed for students interested in health professions.

For information about receiving Graduate credit on other KIIS programs, contact Haley McTaggart before completing your KIIS application.

Below are KIIS Summer and Semester programs which offer language courses. To view all KIIS courses options and titles, view Summer, Winter, or Semester courses.

LanguageKIIS Program
FrenchParis I and *Paris II
SpanishCosta Rica, Caribbean,
*Spain I and *Spain II,
Spain Spring Semester

*Indicates it is a language-only program.

If you have an allergy, we recommend you choose a program that accommodates your needs. If you have a Gluten allergy and need to cook your own food, some KIIS accommodations offer cooking facilities. In some cases, accommodations for severe allergies may not be possible during travel and while abroad.

We recommend you contact your KIIS Campus Representative or Maria Canning early during your program selection process so that we have time to discuss your specific needs and to determine programs best suited to accommodate your needs.

If you have a disability that may require an accommodation abroad, please contact your KIIS Campus Representative early during your program selection process so that we have time to discuss your specific needs and plan arrangements (i.e. housing, transportation, excursions, class schedule). You also may speak to KIIS Assistant Director, Maria Canning.

For more information, visit our Disability Accommodations page.

“Studying abroad pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me truly see that life and the world begin there.”

-Megan, Berlin

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