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Faculty from KIIS Full-Member Consortium Institutions are invited to apply to teach on KIIS Summer or Winter programs. The application deadline is approximately 15 months ahead of program departure to allow time for program promotion and student recruitment (e.g. October 15, 2023, to teach on a 2024-2025 Winter program, or March 1, 2024, to teach on a 2025 Summer program). 

  • Summer programs typically last four weeks, and faculty teach two courses abroad.
  • Winter programs are two weeks, and faculty teach one course abroad.

Visit individual program pages to view itineraries and program length.

Visit our Admitted Faculty Checklist page for the full list of documents and deadlines.

Summer Program Deadlines

Deadline ItemDue Date
Database Open for Faculty ApplicationsNov. 1 - March 1
Application DeadlineMarch 1
Supervisor Input DueMarch 10
Acceptance NotificationMay 1
Signed Faculty Acceptance LetterMay 15
Syllabi DueJuly 15
Mandatory Faculty OrientationMid September
Mandatory Student and Faculty OrientationMid April

Winter Program Deadlines

Deadline ItemDue Date
Database Open for Faculty ApplicationsAug. 15 - Oct. 15
Application DeadlineOct. 15
Supervisor Input DueOct. 20
Acceptance NotificationNov. 10
Signed Faculty Acceptance LetterDec. 1
Syllabi DueJan. 15
Mandatory Faculty OrientationEarly February
Mandatory Student and Faculty OrientationEarly November

“I love teaching and learning in a culture outside the United States. Tanzania especially provides a wonderful opportunity for students (and me) to evolve into people who understand the beauty and richness of our diverse world. We also realize that different experiences provide powerful learning moments.”

– Paul Clark, University of Louisville Nursing Professor, KIIS Tanzania Faculty

Teach Abroad With KIIS

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