Studying Abroad Helped Me Graduate On Time
My whole purpose to study abroad was to graduate on time. I’ve always wanted to study abroad but with my major and minor, it’s not very flexible. Then I got an email from KIIS about a Winter study abroad opportunity, and it was the perfect fit. I almost didn’t graduate on time but luckily my study abroad class filled one class that fit my major and my minor!
It is important to prepare what to pack for your study abroad. Thankfully my brother and parents have been abroad. My parents lent me an outlet adaptor with three different types of plugs. These adaptors can be pricey so ask to borrow one. Bring along portable chargers! They are lifesavers. Don’t be afraid to bring your cell phone abroad. Talk to your provider about different plan options. Since I wasn’t abroad for very long, I didn’t need a new SIM card or a new phone; instead, I was able to get a short abroad plan. My luggage was lost in another country for a few days, and it wasn’t fun so it is very important to pack an extra pair of clothes and bathroom necessities in your carryon. Last packing tip; bring clothes for all types of weather!
My best memory was the whole trip. I went to Italy with KIIS, and it was dream come true. I took so many photos and videos to relive the memories. My trip was over winter break, and we celebrated New Year’s Eve abroad. It was amazing and fun to get out of my comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to try something new.
In Italy, we stayed in two hotels. Expect to share rooms and make schedules when everyone is getting up and ready. The staff at our hotel in Rome were very friendly. Our next hotel in Florence was a dream and so adorable. The family who ran the hotel were the kindest and most caring people. Hotels are like their homes so take care of them.
Overall the whole experience was truly life changing. I’ve wanted to see Italy since I was very little. I want to travel to as many places as I can in my lifetime. It’s opened my eyes to a different culture and history. Studying abroad allows you to meet new people from different states and counties! Go see the world and take a class or a few classes. You won’t regret it!

Alexandria Seger
Italy Winter
Ball State University
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